Sunday September 2, 2018 at 5:30pm.

Alana & Marc

To our dearest friends,

We are so excited that you will be joining us in NY for our wedding on Sunday September 2, 2018!

We have been asked, why NY?  Because when we made up the list of who we hoped would attend our wedding, we quickly realized that people were mainly from 5 places... Toronto, San Diego, St.Louis, Washington, DC and New York.

So, realizing that 75% of our guests would be traveling regardless of the venue, we decided that we'd pick the place that was easiest to get to and had the broadest appeal to the most people.

You'll love New York City over the labor day weekend!  The wedding has a great chance of being amazing and there is so much to do that you'll need to plan a return trip.

We hope you will plan a nice Labor Day Vacation to New York that includes our wedding!  See you there!